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What do you look for in a publisher? (Rank in order of importance.) *
  • Brand name/reputation of the publisher and/or editor
  • Contract conditions
  • Degree of control you maintain
  • Prizes won for the books they produce
  • Scope of distribution
  • Size (large)
  • Size (small)
  • Supports and informs you

Would you sign with a publisher that is new if they met the top three criteria you considered most important above? *

Have you heard of partnership or hybrid publishing, where the author invests a certain amount of money up front with a traditional publisher, has his/her books distributed traditionally and gets all the services of a traditional publisher, but also a much higher percentage of royalties and greater degree of control? *

Is partnership publishing a route you would consider? Please indicate why or why not in the comment section. *

Enter your email address if we can contact you for further information about the above. (And so we can send you a thank you!)

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