BestAdvice bridging finance survey 2021

These survey responses will be used to form the second annual BestAdvice Bridging Finance report, which will give mortgage intermediaries a detailed picture of the bridging finance market in the UK.

The report is designed to assist advisers in understanding the bridging market, and the different offerings of the providers operating in the sector.

All respondents will be entered into a prize draw and the winner will receive £100 in Amazon vouchers.

Please note that all answers will be anonymised and your data will not be shared at all.

The closing date for entries is Tuesday 21 September.

How long have you been advising on bridging loans? *

What percentage of your income is derived from providing bridging advice? *

What percentage of your income do you anticipate will be provided from bridging advice 24 months from now? *

Do you offer advice for the following? *
Yes No
Unregulated bridging
Regulated bridging

Unregulated bridging

Regulated bridging

If you don't currently do bridging, what could change this situation? *

How many bridging cases did you write in 2020? *

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, roughly how many cases did you expect to write in 2021? *

Is bridging suitably regulated? *

On average, how many face-to-face meetings do you have with each client(s) before the application is submitted? *

Please drag to rank the most important factors when recommending a bridging lender (in order of importance) *
  • Rate
  • Maximum LTV
  • Criteria
  • Lender reputation
  • Flexibility
  • Lender support
  • Broker portal
  • Lender technology
  • Speed of completion

Do you use a dedicated sourcing system for bridging finance? *

What improvements could be made to sourcing for bridging finance? *

Are you an Appointed Representative or Directly Authorised? *

Do you use a master broker/packager/mortgage club/network to access bridging finance? *

What innovations would you like to see within bridging finance? *

How onerous do you find legal requirements for bridging cases? *

What is the biggest impediment to you writing more bridging business? *

In a few words, how would you describe to another adviser what it is like to provide bridging advice? *

Any other comments? *

Please enter your details in order to be entered into the prize draw. Your answers will remain anonymous and neither your answers nor contact information will be shared at all.