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1- We set the path after installing JDK because.. *

2- Which is true for Object oriented programming and Structural programming ? *

3- Which one contains JIT compiler ? *

4- Which one is true for classes *

5- Which one is not used to create an object *

6- Which statement is not true for constructor *

7- static variable is used as ? *

8- Which one is not non-access modifier ? *

9- What is is the type of &= operator ? *

10- What is is the type of instanceOf operator ? *

11- What is inBoxing/Boxing is java ? *

12- Static nested class is related to ? *

13- Which is preferred way to import ? *

14- Which statement is not true ? *

15- which statement is true for relationship in classes ? *

16- Method overloading includes this rule *

17- Which statement is correct for abstraction ? *

18- Which statement is correct for encapsulation ? *

19- which statement is true ? *

20 - which statement is true for Interface ? *

21- Which statement is true for Interface ? *

22- Which statement is true for Array in java ? *

23- How many Object are created for String s1 = new String("Here");String s2 = new String("Here"); ? *

24- Which statement is true for String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer ? *

25- Which statement is true for Collection framework in java? *

26- Which statement is true for Exception handling in java ? *

27- Which statement is true for I/O package ? *

28- Which one is preferred way of creating thread ? *

29- Which statement is true for JDBC ? *

30 - Prepared statements are more secure because they use bind variables, which can prevent SQL injection attack. *

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