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How many species of bats are there in the world? *

Image from Ernst Haeckel's book: Kunstformen der Natur (1904)

What percentage of all bat species are classified as threatened? (classified by the IUCN as vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered) *

Image shows critically endangered Thongaree’s Disc-nosed Bat. Image credit: Piekfrosch - Borneo, Sarawak/Malaysia, Jambusan Cave, GFDL,

What is the estimated monetary value that bats provide to ecosystems through their control of pest insects? *

Image shows a pallid bat catching a cricket in mid air. (Photo: Bat Conservation International)

Which bats live in highly social groups and regurgitate food to feed other members who have not fed? *

Image from Bats Queensland @batsqld

How many species of plants are dispersed or pollinated by bats? *

Nectar-feeding bat Glossophaga soricina visiting flowers of Mabea occidentalis (Euphoribaceae). (Photo by Merlin D. Tuttle, Bat Conservation International)

What is the main cause of a large decline in bats in North America? *

Gray bats (Myotis grisiscens), photo by Anna Doty

How does long-distance bat migration differ to songbird migration? *

Image shows a swallow in flight

How does mercury contamination affect bats' immune systems? *

Picture of brown long-eared, named “Laffa”. Photo by Rune Sørås

How can bats protect themselves against mortality from white-nose syndrome? *

Image shows Myotis lucifugus affected by white-nose syndrome. Photo credit: A. Hicks

Which of the above bats has such impressive hearing that it can hunt scorpions by following the sound of their footsteps?

Image from Gordon et al. 2019 ( A variety of bat species. Clockwise from top left - Parastrellus hesperus, Nyctinomops femorosaccus, Antrozous pallidus, and Mormoops megalophylla

Bats are not the only animals to use ultrasonic sounds. Some insects have also evolved the ability to create sounds that we cannot hear with our ears. Listen to the above audio clip, is this a bat or an insect? *

audio clip has been modified to be audible by human ears

Listen to the above audio clip, is this a bat or an insect? *

audio clip has been modified to be audible by human ears

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