Your Name: *

Email address: *

Age: *

Occupation: *

Have you, or someone you know, ever had a UFO sighting? *

If you answered yes to the previous question, please continue with the survey. If you answered no to the previous question, but know someone who has had a UFO sighting, please consider asking them to take this survey.

Date that your UFO sighting took place? *

What time did your UFO sighting take place? *

Weather conditions at the time of your UFO sighting? *

Location of your UFO sighting? *

Duration of your UFO sighting? *

Size of the UFO? *

Shape of the UFO? *

Color of the UFO? *

Distance from the ground? *

Distance from you? *

Number of witnesses? *

Any effects on your vehicle or electronic equipment? *

Were aliens seen or encountered? *

If you answered yes to the previous question, please provide a detailed description of how many aliens were seen, what type; (greys, reptilians, etc), their size, and their overall appearance.

Did you experience any missing time, or a sense of distorted time? *

What was your emotional state before, during, and after your UFO sighting (happy, sad, curious, frightened, excited, aroused, nervous, angry, calm, etc)? *

Are you, or any of your immediate family members psychic? *

Have you, or any of your immediate family members had a UFO sighting in the past? *

If you answered yes to the previous question, please provide a detailed description of the sighting.

Your opinion on the subject of UFOs prior to your sighting? *

Your opinion on the subject of UFOs after your sighting? *

Any physical, mental, emotional, or other effects, as a result of your sighting? *

Pets, or other animals, present or nearby during your sighting? *

If you answered yes to the previous question, please provide a detailed description of the pet or animal, and how they behaved.

Have your eating habits changed since your sighting? *

Has your sense of taste, or smell, changed since your sighting? *

Have you become sensitive to bright lights, sunlight, flashing lights, or light emitted from televisions, computer screens, or smartphones, since your sighting? *

Have you had the desire to change your occupation since your sighting? *

If you answered yes to the previous question, please provide a detailed description including how you feel about your current occupation, and why you're interested in a new occupation.

Have you become more concerned, less concerned, or not experiencing changes in your level of concern regarding: ecology, the environment, and/or environmental pollution, since your sighting? *

Are your relationships with family members stronger, more distant, or unchanged, since your sighting? *

Are your relationships with friends and co-workers, stronger, more distant, or unchanged, since your sighting? *

Are you more sexually active, less sexually active, or not experiencing changes in sexual activity, since your sighting? *

Have you started smoking cigarettes, or increased your cigarette smoking, since your sighting? *

Have you started drinking alcohol, or increased your alcohol use, since your sighting? *

Have you started using recreational drugs, or increased your use of recreational drugs, since your sighting? *

Has your sleeping pattern changed, or been interrupted, since your sighting? *

Have you had dreams about your UFO sighting? *

If you answered yes to the previous question, please provide a detailed description of the dreams.

Have you had any other dreams that seemed particularly vivid, strange, or intense, since your UFO sighting? *

If you answered yes to the previous question, please provide a detailed description of the dreams.

Do you think you'll have a UFO sighting in the future? If yes, why? *

If you could choose, would you choose to have another UFO sighting, or not? *

Please provide a detailed description of your entire UFO sighting from beginning to end. *

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